White Snowflake Artificial Hedge Grass Wall ProductCCGA082 DescriptionDecorative Faux Leaves Hedges Available Sizes50*50cm, 1m*1m Available colors Yellow, Purple, Mixed Choose as sample
High Qualtiy Artificial Azalea Leaves Mat ProductCCGA084 DescriptionArtificial Leaves Hedges, Outdoor Privacy Protection Available Sizes50*50cm, 1m*1m Available colors Same as photo Choose as sample
Sun Grass Artificial Hedge Greenery Panels ProductCCGA085 DescriptionArtificial Grass Backdrop Wall, Privacy Hedge Screen Available Sizes50*50cm, 1m*1m Available colors Green, Dark Green Choose as sample
Abundant Eucalyptus Greenery Panel ProductCCGA086 DescriptionArtificial Boxwood Hedging Available Sizes50*50cm, 1m*1m Available colors Same as photo Choose as sample
Gardenia Foliage Panel(Indoor/Outdoor UV) ProductCCGA088 DescriptionArtificial Leaf Panels Available Sizes50*50cm, 1m*1m Available colors Light Green, Olive, Red Choose as sample
Luxury Early Spring Artificial Vertical Garden ProductCCGA087 DescriptionArtificial Vertical Wall Spring Impression Available Sizes50*50cm, 1m*1m Available colors Same as photo Choose as sample
Azalea White Flowers Artificial Wall Panel ProductCCGA089U DescriptionArtificial Hedge Walls with White Flowers Available Sizes50*50cm Available colors Same as photo Choose as sample
Artificial Gardenia Leaf Wall with Pink Flowers ProductCCGA090 DescriptionArtificial Green Wall with Pink Flowers Available Sizes50*50cm, 1m*1m Available colors Red, White, Pink Choose as sample
Gardenia Leaf Wall with White Flowers ProductCCGA091 DescriptionArtificial Hedges with White Flowers Available Sizes50*50cm, 1m*1m Available colors Red, White, Pink Choose as sample